Dealing with Psychic Attacks
I know we have been programmed to “be the bigger person” in certain situations. We are to either ignore or “rise above” a verbal attack or any type of disrespect. But how should we handle psychic or spiritual attacks? Do the same rules apply?
Ignore and Remove the Abuser/Attacker Physically
Once you remove a narcissist from your life, they should be immediately blocked from ever contacting you again. Block their email, phone number, and all social media accounts. In some cases, legal actions may need to take place.
Give yourself time to heal.
You will go through a grieving process. Use this time for shadow work and self-reflection. This is your time where you focus all of the attention you were giving them on yourself. Self-love is not selfish.
Block them Energetically
Meditate and go within to clear your energetic space and mind clutter. Once this person’s cord or attachment has been completely uprooted, they will start to starve emotionally and/or energetically. This is where psychic protection is needed.
What Are Psychic Attacks?
Let me give you a few examples of my experience. Psychic attacks are not always abusive. After the healing period, you will gain some reflection and new insight into your experiences. You become less of a victim and more of a victor.
Suddenly, you start to literally hear in your thoughts the mean things they would say to you. You start to feel depressed and lethargic. You lose interest in things that bring you joy. It’s like you are reliving the abuse over again but in your mind.
At times, you will run into people who know them and they will repeat the slander that the narcissist said about you. You could be trying to relax then hear in your mind, “I hate you. You’re worthless.”
Not all psychic attacks are hurtful.
Most of the time, they are manipulative. Below is a list of situations that may occur after removing an abusive person from your life.
- After a period of not thinking about them, they pop up in your thoughts.
- You feel them missing you.
- No matter how much you ignore your thoughts of them, the feeling becomes stronger.
- You feel they may need you and start to second guess blocking them.
- You unblock them and reopen the channel for the attack.
This is a vicious cycle they use to feed off of your emotions and energy.
Do not assume you are imagining things or making this up in your head.
Do not put yourself down for feeling this way.
This is a psychic attack to get back into your life so they can physically/mentally/emotionally attack you again.
Protect Yourself
My defense tactic is pretty simple and it works quickly. Whenever they start to invade my thoughts or energy, I tell them to f*ck off. I literally cuss them out. The goal is to claim MY SACRED SPACE.
I will not call in the light for this person, nor will I pray for them.
Think of them as a person who has broken into your home with the intent of harming you. Are you going to call in the light for the intruder? Are you going to sit down and pray for them as they attack you? No. You will defend yourself by any means necessary.
You can either do it the way I do it or you can say get behind me. Whatever it takes to interrupt the attack or thought. Do not allow the visions or words to play over and over again. Tell that manipulative POS to F*ck OFF and enjoy the rest of your life in freedom and self-love.
Always call on your spiritual team (God, Ancestors, Spirit Guides, Angels, Elementals) for assistance. We have our own personal bodyguards that will always assist us.
We are not just mere fragile humans, with no power or abilities. We are Source, having a human experience. Take your power back. We Are Magick!