Dismantling the Programming of Indoctrination
I do shadow work on a daily basis.
The revelations can be painful but it’s always therapeutic.
I consistently attain wisdom from shadow work. I discover ways to heal my trauma and remove negative programming from my past.
Since doing shadow work, I am in a better place, emotionally!
When you make changes for yourself in a positive and healthy fashion, it gives you the feeling of power.
You feel like you have taken over the ship of your destiny. You don’t beat yourself up for past mistakes. You see them as painful lessons that taught you so much more.
You look at life as a game that needs to be won.
You realize All is Mind and we create our realities by our thoughts and emotions.
You start to see the programming beyond what the “woke folk” boast of. You see the whole Source of it All.
Everything is energy.
Whatever feeling or vibration we are experiencing will entail what type of reality is created.
When we tune into our “regularly scheduled programming” aka the news, we are opening our energy to whatever concept is being presented. Once they have millions of people focused on a particular issue, our emotional vibration creates energy.
The one programming that we all need to destroy immediately is the hatred of whole-life prosperity.
The programming of “the love of money is the root of all evil” is outdated and absolutely hypocritical.
Please notice how the people who promote this mindset have all the money in the world at their disposal. The Catholic Church is the richest and most prosperous company in the ENTIRE WORLD.
The second program that needs to be destroyed is “the poor and sick inherit the kingdom of heaven.”
We are obviously being programmed to accept sickness and disease as a blessing from God. I can testify personally as a person who has been fighting Crohns’ Disease since 1998, that there is nothing blessed about it!
We have been programmed to happily adopt a subservient and broken mindset.
If we stay in the victim mindset, we will be too distracted to discover that we can be successful, have money, and be healthy, without the fear of going to hell.
I know plenty of people with money that have the most loving hearts. They are not worried about how their bills are going to be paid. They live in the overflow. They give back. Having money doesn’t make you evil.
They have trained us to not only hate the energy of abundance and prosperity, but also the energy of wellness and happiness.
They also told us it’s better to give than receive, which is why we have such a hard time accepting gifts or compliments.
We have to get our shit together and realize we have been played! We need to take our life back and steer our own course to our destiny. Why should we be subjugated to disease, poverty, and depression?
We have just as much right to live our best life on this planet as the “elite” do.