We want to be the best. We love competition. We love winning. Success is sexy.
Remember the video game called The Sims? We would create a world and take care of our avatars. We would set up scenarios and watch it all unfold. We were the Creators of that reality.
I like competition. Video games, sports, The Olympics, even cooking competitions — I love anything competitive. I recently came to the realization that I also live my life as a competition.
Massive workload? No problem! I just set the intention of it being a game. How do I do that? I set the timer on my phone for 20 minutes and try to beat the clock. Sometimes I have to set it for 60 minutes. In my mind, every task was a competition or level that needed to be completed.
This mindset brought the usual epiphany. This whole reality is a game. You look at other people or “characters” in their daily lives and it seems this game has it set up where you can either be a worker or a creator.
I recently came to the conclusion that every heartbreak, abuse, disappointment, setback, and all things trauma brought me to where I am today. To put it as a gamer, I have reached the EXPERT LEVEL or Beat The Final Boss, with this game we call life.
When you take a good look at your life and what you have overcome, the fact that you are still here and pushing forward shows how badass you truly are. We experience loss, rejection, heartbreak, trauma from generational patterns, humiliation, abuse, sickness, disease, starvation, etc., and yet we are still here.
We have a “cheat code” called The Universe, with all of the resources, extra lives, abundance, and assistance we need. As with any video game, we just have to tap into it.
While we are playing this game called life, we should have some fun doing it. Set small goals and make it fun. Compete with yourself. Challenge yourself in healthy ways. Vacation and travel more. This planet/board is too beautiful just for us to go to work and home with the occasional trip to the grocery store.
As we embark on new levels of life in “Earth School”, let’s keep the lessons as a backup on how to handle more difficult levels. Start waking up excited to see what this game has in store for the day. Set your intention on what you want to see manifest into your reality. You are the Main Character and Creator of Your Game/Story/Life. Let’s “Level Up” together!