Forgive Yourself
I know we are pushed to “forgive others” to experience absolute freedom from resentment plaguing our thoughts. But what about the shame we feel? What about the choices we make in our journey called life?
I had an epiphany from the Ancestors earlier. It has been revealed to me that my heart is closed off to relationships due to my past relationships and the unspeakable pain that came with them.
Due to intensive shadow work and self reflection, I decided that I did not need a romantic relationship in the present or future. Not because of how I was hurt, but because of how I showed up in those relationships.
I was ashamed of myself for allowing narcissistic abuse into my life. I was ashamed of not honoring and loving myself enough to see that I was in a very volatile situation in all of my relationships.
Shame is what has stunted my spiritual and physical growth. Shame is a stumbling block that has kept me stuck in depression and resentment. Depression is anger turned inward towards myself.
Now that I know this, I will begin the inner work of healing from shame and I forgiveness for myself . I know by doing this, I will unlock true freedom to forgiveness and love. Relationships aren’t bad! It’s the dynamic of that relationship that may need addressed or resolved. I decide right now to forgive me. 🫶🏽