How I Reprogrammed My Mind
Everyone has experienced some type of mental block or mental program that limited them to their full potential in life. I am going to share with you my experience in mental programming and how it affected my life.
I first heard about reprogramming your mind for success when I was still religious. I used to watch a preacher on television who was labeled a “prosperity preacher”. He would always say, “Catch your thoughts! You can reprogram your mind.” What he failed to explain was the process of how to change your thought patterns.
It’s more than saying the affirmations.
In order for you to truly reprogram your beliefs so that your reality can shift into something you want and desire, you have to not only speak the desire but think about it (visualize), and feel the emotions from it!
You have to believe it.
For years I would speak faith confirmations and affirmations. I will say this: The Affirmations I spoke over my sons absolutely worked. Do you know why? I believed it with every fiber of my being that my sons would be amazing. My oldest son is a veteran Airman now attending college in NYC, and my youngest son is in Columbia University living his best life. Both have Straight A’s. I am so blessed.
Why could I speak abundance, prosperity, and favor over my children better than I could for myself?
It was due to the extensive programming of being told I was not good enough, ugly, stupid, worthless, etc. In order for me to create the life I desired, I had to stop believing the lies. I am pretty freaking amazing.
I started to look back at my life and see how I overcame obstacles instead of saying, “look at what I’ve been through!” I started to take my power back. I was the one getting in my own way of success. I shifted from the victim mentality.
I started watching Dr. Joe Dispenza and Mel Robbins on a religious basis. Where I have struggled with severe Crohn’s Disease since 1998, Dr. Joe was a gift from the Universe. Mel Robbins is straight to the point and absolutely hilarious. I needed to see people who have actually gone through life and overcame the obstacles of it.
The confidence was growing but I still had a money block! I was becoming annoyed with myself. My friend told me to buy Amanda Frances’ book, Rich as F*ck. I bought it but never read it. One day, Spirit reminded me that I should read the book just sitting in my Kindle Library. I was like, FINE, I will do it!
The programming and blocks are set up to keep you mediocre.
I started reading her book and within the first chapter, I had a breakthrough! I had a huge money block due to religion. It was so ingrained in my subconscious mind that money was absolutely the cause of all things evil. Rich people were demons…etc. Typical programming to keep us in the broke, busted, and disgusted category so we can be good slaves and pay our homage to the system. I’m laughing as I write this because that’s how ridiculous it is.
Instantly I could feel a shift in my body! I have always seen myself in the future but whenever it was lavish or extravagant, I assumed it was a wild imagination and not my experience. That’s how beaten down my subconscious mind was. I was ok with being poor. I was ok with being sick. I just wanted God to love me. Do you see how they have played us!? It’s almost comical!
From that day, I started to envision my future.
I saw myself happy. I saw myself in a beautiful place. I saw myself traveling. I made a vision board. I started writing down in my journals (yes I have several) what I desired for my reality. I even did the 369 Challenge! Again, the goal is to FEEL the desire in your being.
I have been single and celibate since my divorce in 2021. I have not desired a relationship or romance. I have been learning to love and focus on myself. I am in a really good place emotionally.
I spoke with a girlfriend from my hometown and we were checking on each other. She mentioned how happy I was and how proud she was of me. We discussed my ex and how even though I still love him, I am in such a better place in my life now.
When I got off the phone with her, my mind started racing. I started seeing him with his new girlfriend in MY old house. (Come on Crystal. You have come too far to let your ego do this again).
I felt this overwhelming wave of sadness and depression come over me. I was devastated. How could this happen? I’ve talked about him before. He’s been with this girl since we divorced. It’s nothing new. So why am I so affected by this?
The Beauty of Alchemy and Transmutation
As I was feeling the emotions because I refuse to ignore my emotions now, all of a sudden, I saw myself in the future. It was BEAUTIFUL! I was happy and abundant. I was in peace. I was content. Instantly, that sad emotion washed over me and I had this coolness come over me. I TRANSMUTED THAT NEGATIVE ENERGY INTO SOMETHING POSITIVE.
The sadness washed over me again. I didn’t ignore it. I let it happen. I felt it. The hot tears streamed down my face and instantly again, by no control of my own, I saw myself vacationing in Greece! The emotion cooled and tears stopped. This is why Dr. Joe Dispenza tells us to not focus on the past. The past is gone. The only thing that matters right now is your present. And in this present time, you can create your future.
Presently I am happy.
Presently I am with my boys in NYC. Presently I am not being emotionally or financially abused. I am not in a toxic relationship. I wake up happy and content with my life. I know that my platform is growing. I have seen the future and it’s beautiful. So why would I focus and meditate over the past? It’s ridiculous.
How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind
- Give gratitude to the Divine for everything you have now and for all the hardships you overcame. Give yourself gratitude also! Your Higher self deserves it.
- Remove old thought processes and programs and beliefs. When a negative thought pops up, imagine grabbing that program and balling it up like you are going to throw it in the trash. Replace that thought with the truth.
- Reprogram your subconscious by listening to sleep affirmations whenever you go to bed every single night until you see the change. It will be hard at first due to the subconscious not understanding why you are speaking positive things about yourself, but trust me, it works.
- Speak and write down your affirmations and desires. Words have power when you speak them with emotion, and even more when you make it a “law” by writing them down.
- Anytime you have a negative emotion, imagine your future self living your best life. Take that energy and use it for your highest good. This is how you transmute negative programming into positive programming.
- Be present. Observe your present situation. Does it bring you peace and happiness? If not, take the necessary steps to create a reality that matches your wants and desires.
- Be patient. It does not happen overnight. We have been programmed since we were small children. Be kind to yourself and know you are on the right path towards your best life.
You are the Universe
It is not separate from you.
The Universe is a beautiful energetic system that overrides the Matrix whenever you are ready. It responds to your vibration or emotions. If you have a thought and it doesn’t affect you emotionally, then more than likely, it’s just a thought that can be canceled, cleared, and deleted. But when you think of something and become emotional about it, whether that is through worry, fear, happiness, or excitement, you will get the Universe’s attention.
Once you realize you are creating your life with your thoughts and feelings, you will do everything in your power to make sure that whatever you think or bring into your experience is for your highest good. We have all the power and wisdom within to shift our life to what is best for us.
We Are Energy. We Are Divine. We Are Magick!