How to Break Free from Stagnation
Are you feeling uninspired or stuck? You may need to take a break.
We push ourselves to extremes. Our bodies were not built to withstand impossible deadlines and constant stress on a continuous basis. When we feel stagnant or unmotivated to do everyday activities, this may be the time to go within and rest.
We need to give our supercomputer a nice reboot!
Our bodies are beautiful mechanisms that need nourishment and recovery. We have to maintain our bodies and minds the same as we maintain our vehicles and homes. When we feel bogged down, that is our mind, body, and soul alerting us that we may need a “tune-up.”
Instead of beating ourselves up as to why we feel uninspired or melancholy, we should be kind to ourselves and show our precious temples some tender loving care.
Here are 11 steps you can use to get your vessel and head back into the game.
- Take more naps. Whenever I decide to take a quick nap, I feel AMAZING. I see naps as a restart for my mind and body. When our computers or phones are locked up, we restart them.
- Self Care. Get a massage. Give yourself a facial. Take a bubble bath. Taking the time to love and nurture yourself is beneficial.
- Get lost in a good book. Reading a book is always better than binge-watching television. Television overstimulates your eyes and brain. Therefore, it can cause insomnia and stress, depending on what you are consuming.
- Meditate. Meditation causes you to go within your subconscious mind. By doing this, you temporarily shut out the noise and chatter. Find some guided meditations online, beautiful music, nature sounds, or binaural beats to listen to while you meditate.
- Spend time in nature. I love being near water or around trees. I love nature. I have made a new friend in the park across the street from my apartment. She’s a squirrel and I named her Sugar Butt. I look forward to seeing her every single day.
- Journal. Get a notebook and jot down your thoughts, intentions, and what’s currently going on in your life. I tend to forget to do this. I journaled when I woke up this morning and I felt so much better.
- Deep Breathing Exercises (Breath of Fire). There are tons of videos that instruct how to breathe properly. I am a shallow breather. I benefit GREATLY from deep breathing exercises. Not to mention, breathing is essential for our brains!
- Affirmations. Speak life over yourself. Speak positivity. Speak power and abundance. Speak health. Speak strength. Words are power. Due to programming, and trauma, a lot of us have a negative outlook on not only ourselves but life in general. It’s time to change that.
- Be still. Let it be easy. Stop thinking you have to be productive all of the time. Just like giving your cellphone, computer, and car a break, allow yourself to rest.
- Have fun. Work and deadlines not only take our time physically, but it also takes our time mentally. Stress can lead to depression which is anger turned inwards. When this happens, we tend to shut out our loved ones. Have fun and forget about work. Stressing about it will not change it.
- Yoga and exercise. Yoga is healing. It moves blocked energy that causes discomfort and dis-ease in the body. Go for a quick walk. Movement promotes health and confidence.
Just these few small things can give your body and brain the time to recuperate so you can get back to what you love.