Pulling Myself Out of Depression
I have battled depression my entire life. There were times it would last for almost a month while medicated.
For the past week, I have struggled with emptiness and sadness.
When this happens, the housework falls to the wayside and I start to feel worse.
My to-do list starts to pile up into to-do lists! The ugly thoughts begin. I start to call myself lazy and pathetic. When this happens, I see my life falling apart and the symptoms intensify.
Last night before I went to bed (I was literally miserable all day in pajamas), I told myself that I was getting up in the morning with a different mindset. I will tackle the to-do lists at a comfortable pace.
I woke up this morning and felt the nagging thoughts of all of the things that are not done. I felt the emotional heaviness again. While I was lying there, I started to hear the self-empowerment affirmations I was playing while I was asleep.
I told myself, “Get the F*ck Up Crystal!”
I felt the emotions leave and I jumped out of bed. I made my bed and started my coffee. Now I am writing my blog which I have not done in a while. And guess what? It’s ok.
When I was 42 years old, I noticed that the medications stopped working.
There were times I would double up my medication to combat these crippling thoughts and emotions.
I am no longer on medication for anxiety or depression. I was on medication for anxiety and depression for 20 years. While on medication, I was still very depressed and full of aggression and anxiety.
I was also getting very sick every time I would take them. I made the decision to stop. Obviously, they weren’t working so why was I making myself physically ill and wasting money.
I was looking for something to mask the pain. Unfortunately, the root cause of that pain was still there. There was no amount of therapy or medicine that was going to fix my issues. I had to deal with it myself!
I started listening to my spirit.
Since adopting spirituality, I always do shadow work in order to correct things about myself that are holding me back.
A lot of the time, the reason why we are depressed is that we are emotionally depleted. When we do not take the necessary steps to take care of our mental health, our precious brain will start to malfunction. If you dealt with trauma as I have, it’s even worse.
When I feel tired or down, I give myself time to recover.
My brain deserves that with everything it has had to deal with.
I work a full-time job while working on my platform, We Are Magick on the side. By doing this, I am basically working two full-time jobs with one day off. My body has conditioned itself to do absolutely nothing on Saturdays. I have tried countless times to make content and every single time, my brain says “Absolutely not! Sit your ass down and rest!”
Society has taught us if we work really hard, we will have success. That is not true. You will have stress. You will have anxiety. You will have exhaustion. You will have depression.
The main objective is to trust the process, manage your time wisely, and flow.
I learned this from my dear friend/sister The Royal Shaman. She is also from West Virginia like me and has built a Europhic Empire by trusting her Spirit and the Process. She discovered that working yourself into sickness and stress is not the way to build a business or live your life. We have been lied to.
The reason why startup businesses fail is that they pushed themselves too hard. Instead of taking their time and trusting the process, they panic and push themselves too hard.
We are not here just to slave and work until we die. We are here to learn lessons from past lives, clear up any karmic debt, and live our lives to the fullest. We are here to ENJOY OUR LIFE.
Be kind to yourself
If you feel depression or anxiety coming upon you, give yourself time to recover.
Meditate and go within. Put down the to-do lists. There will always be something that needs to be done. What’s important right now is you. You are not lazy. You are not worthless. Give yourself time to recover and recuperate. Nothing can be completed or checked off if you aren’t there to do it.