Recovering from Heartbreak
When you lose something you love, it hurts. Whether that be through the loss of a loved one, a relationship, a beloved pet/fur baby, or a job, it takes a toll on your emotional and physical health.
We are taught to fake it until we make it.
We are taught to ignore our emotions as children. If we cried, our parents would tell us to stop crying, no matter what happened prior. This is a program that has been passed down for generations.
In order to fully heal, you have to give yourself time.
When you go through heartbreak like divorce, it seems like you can’t get over the pain. Friends and family may try to push you to move on. But in my experience, the best choice is to take time for yourself.
It took me almost two years to finally forgive my ex-husband.
The first year, I cried myself to sleep every night. When I woke up, the cycle would repeat. I would remember him holding me in the mornings and kissing me on my cheek. The tears would start to flow and I would just lay there and cry.
I felt weak.
I never loved someone in a romantic way like this. I felt like I was being punished. My friends wanted me to move on immediately. Every time I would try, I would get sick to my stomach.
It took my oldest son to convince me that I was not a weak-willed woman. He said I needed time because I lost someone who was a part of my life. He was right. I stopped beating myself up and gave myself time.
Feel it to heal it.
When the tears would surface, I knew something needed to be released. I would feel it so I could understand it. I get it now. I would rather cry for 5 minutes and feel better so I can get through my healing instead of fighting it only to become more bitter and sick later on.
Emotions are Energy in Motion.
You cannot ignore your emotions. The goal is to have the energy move through you so it can be released. If we attempt to ignore what we are feeling, it becomes a block and another issue in the future. If we do not allow these energies to flow through us for release, we will have issues like bitterness and unforgiveness.
I am healed.
I am still single but it is by choice because, during this grieving period, I learned to love myself. I am happier. I have peace in my life. I am focused on growing my business. I truly do not have time for a relationship. When I am ready to take that step, it will happen.
Take all the time you need for yourself.
You are worth every tear, every emotion, and every possibility. Give yourself the same patience you give others. Nurture yourself like you would comfort a crying baby.
When you get upset, let that emotional release happen so you can move on. You do not have to stay in that frequency. Allow yourself 5 minutes to release it and wipe your tears so you can live your best life.