Separation in The Spiritual Community
The tactics used from religion have now infiltrated the spiritual community.
The world is divided either through religion, race, politics and now, vaccinations.
It is bad enough you have New Age/Christian beliefs that have forced their way into ancient ancestral ways and sacred teachings. Everyone has their own right and freedom to their personal truth. That’s what makes spirituality so beautiful.
Unfortunately, there is a group of people who are attacking ancient ways and calling it “dark” or evil.
We Have Forgotten the Ways of the Ancestors
Instead of working with Heru or Auset, they call on Jesus or Mother Mary.
They only mention Biblical characters and protection spirits. They say things like, “Call in the Light”. They make fun of mainstream media, but listen to groups like Q-Anon, or passionately listen to anyone on social media who claims they have channeled the “Pleiadians”.
To make it worse, these groups are now attacking and trolling others who have chosen to take a vaccination due to their own personal reasons.
The “To be Absent from God” Theory
There is a conspiracy theory in the SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY that states, “If you get the jab, you are cut off from Source.” (Insert dry heave and eye roll)
I am absolutely befuddled as to how something like this can happen and affect more people than a zombie apocalypse plague. To believe a being made of energy that is living a human experience as Source/God — to tell them if they receive a vaccination, they are now cut off from God AND HAVE SOLD THEIR SOULS TO SLAVERY ON EARTH FOREVER. Sounds pretty religious to me.
Sheep Being Led to Their Own Destruction or “Slaughter”
I know it’s insane! I am shocked people are believing this. The same people that believed Q when they told them that Trump was their Savior. This is happening in the SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY.
I am over the divide and conquer agenda in humanity. It’s getting ridiculous. To believe in today's time, we have people that still will believe ANYTHING a person says is mind-boggling!
In the spiritual community, they speak of a 5D Shift. At this rate, it looks like they aren’t going to make the jump. Operating in a negative, egoic, and accusatory frequency, causes you to go backward.
How can you say you are love and light, but spew such hateful comments full of ego by saying “your DNA is pure” because you didn’t take a vax? For one, this would take a book to write on how ridiculous this is.
Newsflash: Everyone has been vaccinated.
I would love to expand into chemtrails, food issues with GMOs, and the acid rain from the radiation fallout due to the Fukashima Explosion that happened years ago. Radiation fallout affects groundwater and causes acid rain, which in turn, contaminates your precious fruits and vegetables.
How is being judgmental and spiteful, spiritual?
Attacking a person who feels they need to be vaccinated is redundant.
The true shift is when you operate as a Source/God. You see the distractions. You see the games. You see the manipulation and you don’t participate. It is that simple.
If a person wants to get the vaccination, that is their choice and their personal truth. If you don’t want the vaccination, again, that is your choice and your personal truth.
To operate in a higher frequency, do not fall for the division propaganda.
Live YOUR best life while you are still here.
Learn from your lessons and grow.
Embody your Higher Self. Follow the Ancestral Ways! Listen to your Spirit Guides. Seek Wisdom. Go within and find YOUR personal truth and the meaning of life.
Embody Your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine aspects.
“In order for you to ascend, you must find your Twin Flame/Counterpart.”
This is very hurtful for those who believed they had found “their person” or magickal “twin flame” but ended up separated from them because that person was unhealed and abusive.
To truly Ascend as Source, you have to EMBODY Masculine and Feminine Energy to become ONE Source/Being.
Go Within.
All of the Power you are seeking is already within you.
Start listening to your intuition and your inner guidance besides listening to a channeler speaking THEIR truth. Always remember that fighting amongst each other is helping “them” win.
There is no division in Spirituality.
Light = Dark. Positive = Negative.
As Above, So Below. As Within So Without. What Is, Always Has Been. All Is Mind. We Are Balance. We Are One.