Step Into Your Power
Most people have had some sort of difficult situation that they have faced in their lives. Depending on the severity of the situation and the trauma caused, a person’s life can be drastically changed physically, emotionally, and mentally.
Life is not always easy. Life also does not have to be full of setbacks, heartbreak, and chaos either. When we hold on to past situations, it clouds our ability to see the gift of being present. Choosing to stay angry and resentful about a past situation does not serve you now. If anything, it destroys you.
Anger and sadness are natural emotions. If someone tells you that you do not have the right to be upset about a situation that truly hurt you, do not listen to them. Give yourself time to grieve and heal from that situation. I had to learn this the hard way.
I had several people in my life tell me how I should handle my emotions during and after my divorce. Those people are no longer in my life. By listening to their less-than-reasonable advice, I attempted to ignore the extreme trauma I had faced.
I was trying to appear strong and resilient by acting like I was not affected in a negative way. I would get angry at myself when I would start missing him. I would be extremely ashamed of myself when I would start to cry over him. I would try to bottle up my emotions. I was destroying myself from the inside out.
I was deeply wounded. I had to face the realization that I was heartbroken and it was ok. It is a normal healing process to experience grief when you lose something that you cared for. Once I did this and accepted that fact, I began the forgiveness journey.
I had to look at every single traumatic experience in my life as a lesson. I faced each painful experience and I made peace with it. By doing this I could see how strong I was and how I overcame really tough situations that at the time, I had no idea how I would get through it!
Now when I look back at my past, I do not feel ashamed or angry. I see myself in the present moment and I see a very strong, loving, and fierce person who has conquered trauma and unforgiveness. The peace I have in my life at the present time does not compare to the years of unforgiveness and sadness I chose to hold on to.
We have the ability to transmute timelines and shift different realities to serve our highest purpose in this life. Instead of dwelling on the past or fearing the future, we can be present and appreciate how amazing we truly are. We Are Magick!