What Shadow Work Has Taught Me

The key to successful shadow work is a technique called “mirroring”.

We Are Magick
5 min readNov 12, 2021

The goal is to look within yourself as to why a person, place, or thing may trigger you.

For instance, you may know someone in your reality that annoys you to the point where you feel the effects on your body. They may have a certain belief that you may not agree with, or they may say things that make you physically ill or cause some type of stress and/or anger to manifest within your body. When that happens, we are to look within and see where the root cause of this emotion.

Learn to Go with The Flow

So why is it so hard? Why am I struggling with just “being”.

The easiest way to handle life is to flow — not fight the Universal Current, but flow down the river we call “life” with ease and grace. Of course, there are rocks, strong currents, and the occasional waterfall, but if we hang on to our solid foundation, we would actually enjoy the ride.

Welcome to The Rabbit Hole

I have been plummeting down the “rabbit hole” called spirituality for almost three years.

There is so much information to learn and experience in the quantum field. Knowing we shape our reality is enough to make you question your entire existence, but once you fall deeper into the rabbit hole, all I can say is, “Hang on Alice. The next drop is a doozy.”

Manage YOUR Destiny or Life

Life can be overwhelming.

I am being guided to do several things at once while working a full-time job. Since awakening from religion and indoctrination, my spiritual team/guides have pushed me harder than any guardian/teacher/mentor.

I am living their dreams. My Ancestors were likely murdered by the religious oppressors due to their beliefs. So in theory, my ancestors get to live through me and my experience. I do this for them and my future generations.

Be Kind to Yourself

I am not a people person.

As much as it is an honor to represent my ancestors and future generations, it is also terrifying. My social battery overloads quickly due to being an empath (yes I know that term is thrown around a lot lately). I need mini-breaks from humanity once in a while to recharge and be a functioning adult.

My friends are completely understanding with me when I “go ghost” or disappear off the radar for a week at a time. It truly helps me to take random fasts from electronics, social media, and yes, even people.

Unfortunately, the harder I work at my We Are Magick brand, the more I want to hide and become a recluse. I am happier in my little hermit land. I did not set out to be a role model, life coach, tarot reader, or social media influencer.

I wanted everyone to wake up from the programming. Yet here I am, blogging, and doing all the things. I feel myself wanting to delete my channel, TikTok, IG, Fakebook, the whole nine! I am starting to feel overwhelmed. I am truly becoming a different person that I do not recognize and it’s terrifying.

The Lesson

The reason why I am fighting self-sabotage and imposter syndrome is because of my childhood and my past lessons.

When things get too overwhelming, I retreat and go back to my hermit mode. But my Spirit Guides are not led by human emotions. Their job is to Guide me while on this earth plane and to help me shape my destiny.

Shadow work has shown me how much I sabotage my own growth.

When you have no one left to blame, all you can do is look at yourself. I have noticed that humans love a scapegoat. If you have a scapegoat, then you don’t have to take any accountability as to why you messed up something in your life! This is what Shadow work has taught me. Religion blames the devil, lightworkers blame “the dark”, conspiracy theorists blame Big Brother and the Reptilians.

Yes, there are negative forces implanted in the Matrix for balance. Just like Creation and Destruction are one and the same. We have to get to a place when something does not turn out the way we wanted it to, we can go within and see why. Was it an outside influence or was it something inside of me?

Through intense shadow work, I discovered why I tend to give up, let people mistreat me, and why I am terrified of success: My Subconscious Mind.

Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind

Our brains are computers.

We have been subjugated to indoctrination, the public education system, mental abuse, and an upbringing that may have been perpetuated through a generational curse that passed down emotional and physical abuse.

Due to this upbringing, I realized that this “program” did not happen overnight and it is going to take some time to “reprogram” the supercomputer we call our brain.

Self Love

We do not have to keep situations in our lives that hurt us.

This is where self loves comes into play — something they refused to teach us growing up. We were taught that we should love others more than we love ourselves even though the good book said to love people as YOU love yourself. They never seemed to convey the proper message.

If we were taught to love ourselves at a young age, there would not be so many victims of said abuse in today’s society. Just like the word “empath” is a very popular term, so is Narcissism. The two go hand in hand.

Shadow Work is teaching me that it is time to love my fucking self! It is time to stop putting everyone’s feelings and needs above my own. It’s ok to be “dark”. It’s ok that I am done with certain people’s bullshit.

So instead of saying, “fake it til you make it”, maybe we should say “take it until we make it.” We need to take back our power. Take back our self-respect. Take back our confidence. Take back our innocence. Take back our childhood. Take everything back that was taken from us.

No more faking it.

Accept the fact that we all can be assholes at times

We are not perfect and THAT’S OK! We are going to make mistakes. We are going to lose faith from time to time. We are going to fail. And guess what? Through all of those “missed takes”, we will unapologetically proclaim: We Are Magick.



We Are Magick
We Are Magick

Written by We Are Magick

My name is Crystal Lee and I am the founder of We Are Magick. My mission and purpose is to awaken the Divine DNA within you! Spiritual Coach

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