Woo Spirituality is the New Religion
What’s the end game here? Followers? Notoriety? Fortune and Fame? Please help me understand.
We (all living creatures on this planet) are energy or “The Light”. We are connected to Source Creator as aspects of The Highest Elohim (plural).
If the Wayshowers and the Indigo Children are here to “ Unite the Collective” then why are so many so-called lightworkers promoting division and separation on their platforms?
We as energetic beings have the gift of communicating with higher frequencies.
I have no problem with channeled messages that line up with Universal Law and uniting the earth race. My issue is with the social media influencers who spread the “false light” narrative where they promote fear, division, and self-proclaimed hierarchy in the spiritual community.
Humanity is declining as I type this due to division and separation.
The one thing that made me fall in love with spirituality after I left religion was The Law of One.
We are all One Source having separate experiences. For some reason, with the “light vs dark” narrative, I feel like I am back in the church being reminded of how much I sucked at being Christian.
Yeshua came to awaken us to our true divinity. The Bible quotes him saying “everything I do, you can also do and MORE…” and my personal fave, “…Ye are Gods”, but it seems that valuable piece of scripture swiftly flew over our self-righteous heads.
This New Age belief of, “We Are Good and Everyone Else is Evil” gives me a very religious vibe.
The problem with the love and light community is that it is ironically fake.
I know a lot of “love and light only” folk on a personal level and trust me when I say they can be very hateful, petty, immature, and narcissistic. (Notice how I didn’t say dark).
Authenticity is lacking in the spiritual community. The devil aka scapegoat has entered stage left and is now called “dark” and/or Reptilians.
There is no shadow work, healing. or accountability in the love and light community.
This is why humanity is divided and deteriorating as a collective. We are too busy pointing out the speck in another human’s experience instead of removing years of childhood trauma, abuse, and pain (aka log) from our own.
Until we own our S.H.I.T. (shortcomings, healing, and irrational thoughts) we will continue to “call in” the light instead of focusing on OUR healing.
Rant Over
We Are Magick