Your Words are POWERFUL
I was in a funk for two weeks. I thought depression was creeping its way back into my life. As I was about to go to sleep, Spirit spoke up and said, “You need to clear your energy!”
Oh my gosh — I did it AGAIN.
I push myself to the brink with work, responsibilities, and being there for others while neglecting myself. I sat in my bed, grabbed my affirmations, and started belting out the intentions. I normally speak life over myself daily but I am forgetting to clear the negativity from my space.
I use sage. I use dragon's blood. I even take Epsom salt baths. But if I am not actually saying, visualizing, and feeling me removing the negativity, then all I am doing is burning incense and having a nice hot soak. I know for my life what works is the power of my words.
When I speak an intention, I do not use idle fruitless words.
I speak of life, power, happiness, abundance, success, and freedom. When I speak these affirmations, I not only believe them, but I feel and visualize them. This used to be a daily ritual for me. I think that I am so sick of the rigidity of life in general, that I am sabotaging myself. I need to get it together!
With spirituality, we are to grow and expand not only consciously but subconsciously. Once you remove the old programming, your life will flow in a more harmonious way. This is why just saying the affirmations will never be enough. You have to believe it, know it, and feel it with your entire being.
Due to all of the rules and regulations in religion, any type of ritual or “rule” puts an unsavory taste in my mouth. I have to be more patient with myself. This way of thinking did not happen overnight. This is 40 years of programming that I have to control, alt, and delete!
I have no problem jumping back on the bandwagon and starting over. That’s the awesome thing about life: There are no mistakes; only lessons.
We Are Magick